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Individual Therapy

No matter what you’ve tried, it still feels like something is missing. You never feel quite ‘good enough’ even if logically you know these thoughts aren’t true, you still feel it. The feelings of unworthiness and questioning of self show up in your relationships, how you feel with your partner, in your parenting, in your friendships, and maybe even in your career. You feel lost, alone, and disconnected and find yourself wondering what ‘good enough’ would even feel like and if there is inherently something ‘wrong’ with you that you continue to feel this way. 


You are probably very insightful and may have thought this all through many times on your own but feel unable to change it. Maybe you’ve tried going to therapy in the past but have felt like it’s mainly 'just talking’ and haven’t made any real progress on these core concerns.


Maybe you have found ways to cope or manage your feelings that work temporarily, like distracting yourself with staying busy and overworking, being over-scheduled, engaging in excessive screen time, or even self-medicating. Maybe what once felt manageable or sustainable no longer does. You are stuck in these cycles and patterns and haven’t found a way out yet but are now in search of a great therapist and are open to trying again. 


This is the place where many of my clients enter therapy and experience a whole new way of healing and finally getting unstuck. Unfortunately, not all therapy or therapists are created equal and sometimes you have to do some searching to find the best fit for you. With me as your individual therapist, we work to get to the core of the patterns and cycles you’re feeling stuck in and to make lasting changes by doing so much more than talking.


As an Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) certified therapist who practices from an attachment-focused perspective and is trained in emotionally focused therapy, I work with you to dive deeply into where these patterns come from and to help you go beyond what you can reasonably work through alone. As your therapist I’m going to help you imagine what life might look like if you truly believed you were enough and then I’m going to do all I can to help you get there.



Additional Information


Individual therapy sessions generally last 55 minutes and recommendations for this type of work are most commonly weekly to bi-weekly sessions to start out with reduced frequency over time. The initial intake session is 75 minutes in order for me to get as much information as possible and to begin developing our plan for meeting your goals. We will collectively determine the pace and frequency of our work together with my recommendations provided based upon our initial intake session and history exploration. I do offer intensive sessions tailored to the client and packages are available for continuous communication outside of the therapy sessions. 


The rate for individual therapy is $125 for the initial intake session and for each 55 minute session that follows. Rates for intensives and packages depend upon the services requested. Payment is due at the time of the session.


Getting Started


Research shows your relationship with your individual therapist is the most important indicator for success in treatment. I offer a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation call in order to determine fit prior to the initial session. Please fill out the inquiry form below to get started. I will then contact you directly to schedule a consultation call. I look forward to speaking with you soon!



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